Monday, June 4, 2012

my current interests/readings/pending-items

I got interested in knowing assembly, so I have started reading "Assembly Language Step By Step: Programming With Linux by Jeff Duntemann".

Its too good book and as I never done assemblly this book gave me the path to go unknown world (which I should have been mastered by now, but at-least I have started on it now) and I have written my first "Hello World!" programming that prints "Hello World!" for 10 times :) ya sounds simple...but for me its a great step :)

I started looking into openJDK last year some where around Jan-11, but I am not able to give time for it and I am still struggling with debugging the code and still getting to know the code flows, its like I am still a kid wondering in the forest, I hope I will reach top of the mountain in that forest.

I got so much to learn which are pending :(.....,like still need to be good in algo's, concurrency, Lambda's in java (1.8), NIO (this I never touched, not even theory of it), NLP (using java and phyton).

I hope I will be mastering this day....but ya soon...