Thursday, January 31, 2013

Daily activities Day 1 ;)

Will try to post my daily activities technically, as it would brush up things for me once I revist what I had done and it would give me to rethink on furture of wat I should do...

So as of now I was goin through parrallel classloading, acutaly was goin through openJDK 8 mail list and saw its being drop-off from Jdk 8.

6.37 Am
Parallel classloading

8:42 Am
A nice blog Now vs. 5 Years ago

NPE issue (my stupidity)
Was working on something and when I deployed the changes and started jboss it was ending up in NPE, I had this code change made as below

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
System.setProperties(props); // this is the bug....we are overriding every thing :(

And when I was starting jboss, jboss server was ending up with NPE and was not able to user.dir.

Sum of two or more independent count querries

I got a situation where I needed sum of two independent table counts, had too search and got a querry as below.

Select count1 + count2 as total from
(Select count(*) as count1 from TABLE1 an where ....),
(Select count(*) as count2 from TABLE2 atf where ....)